Sunday, November 06, 2005

My Daily Giggle

I have made a habit of checking out comics on-line since I do not receive any main stream media news paper with a 'comics' section. With all the negativity in our country and world today it is so refreshing to have a good chuckle each day. I have three different strips on My Yahoo page, neatly positioned right at the top. ( Bob the Squirrel, For Better or For Worse and Fox Trot ) I enjoy daily comic strips so much however, that these three alone do not suffice. I frequently read strips from on-line sites such as It was here, that I stumbled upon the witty F Minus.

It did not take long for me to become completely addicted to this strip. There are days that the strip is so clever that I spend the rest of the day giggling to myself each time something jogs my memory relating to the strip. There are also day though, that I strain my brain to decipher where the author/artist is coming from and I just plain do not get it. Days like that really make the days that I get it all the more worth it!

*Check out the author's page (of F Minus) too... The daily version is here

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a relief!! I had never heard of the comic strip entitled "F Minus". I was worried you were referring to your college grades!

11/20/2005 3:16 PM


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