It is very important for me to be completely open and honest with all of you...
this having been said, I must tell you I am mad for bacon. Yes, Bacon--Delicious strips of cured pork. It is an incredibly versatile meat--bacon not only cooks up in just a few minutes, but it is so easy to eat (like some kind of magical portable pork... Yummy!) Plus it can add a wonderful flavor to a variety of dishes. (so many flavors, applewood, hickory, smoked or not, brown sugar cured, etc.) Bacon is so much more than just a breakfast meat-yes... it is great as a side with eggs or pancakes. But bacon is also a key player in one of the best sandwiches ever: the BLT. What would this sandwich be without the B?! You can wrap so many things in bacon--many of my favorite appetizers include bacon (bacon wraped water chestnuts for example) And how could I forget to mention meat wrapped in more meat!!? Bacon-wrapped filet mignon anyone? I am definately mad about Bacon. :)
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