One of the Priests that I've been blessed to meet and get to know is working on his upper level (masters/doctorate?) degree at Marquette, and is here from India. He has the greatest sense of humor and in the last month or two I have continually run into him coming and going around campus. Today, as usual he had a wonderful piece of wisdom to share with me...
He was carrying a package of crackers (the kind you usually get with a salad) and asked if I had been to the Residence (where I work) yet today...
I said "no" (I only work there on Fridays this semester).
He proceeded to offer me one of his crackers and said...
"God made things in twos, so that they would be easier to share with a friend."
Ahh, what a lovely, simple message - Especially in a world where we are all so quick to claim something for ourselves, and no one else (myself included) everything is about "mine" very rarely are things about "ours" or sharing.
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