So glad that I hopped the train! Exactly what the doctor ordered!Spending the weekend away was perfect! (minus the bad news about another classmate from b.bow having an accident) I was able to accomplish everything and more than I had hoped! Not only was I able to get the studying done that I had hoped to, I was also able to spend some time with Theresa, Sue, Jane and Samantha… I had great food, good drink (this ka-blamo drink “ice cream sandwich” from Friday’s) and I was finally able to de-stress and physically/mentally prepare for finals! Went running, watched a couple of movies-and hopefully I am now ready to attack the up coming week full force!Anyway, the events on my way back to Millahwahkay really made me smile:I met the nicest gentleman today walking in downtown Chicago. He looked some what puzzled as I was approaching him-so I just smiled… He stopped me and asked if I was from Chicago and could help him get to the McCormick center. I told him that no, I was not from Chicago-but had spent a lot of time downtown so maybe I could help. He proceeded to ask me where I was from (I live in Milwaukee going to school-but I’m originally from Nebraska) Oh, wow! Nebraska, that’s one of the 24 states that I have left to see. (so I explained that if he does go to Nebraska, to NOT go on I-80… b/c its flat, and Nebraska is anything but flat-make sure you see ‘central Nebraska’ and the sand hills and the panhandle of the state!) He explained where he was trying to go (slightly south to the convention center) but wasn’t sure how to get there. I happened to have a copy of my very basic super small map for emergencies with me-and I pulled it out-showed him that we were right next to the sears tower and where he needed to go was directly east-to the lake until he hit the major drag-Michigan ave. From there he could easily pick up the bus he needed to go south. He was so friendly, told me he was from Canada, had taken a train from Washington State to Milwaukee to Chicago! (must have been a beautiful ride!!) He enjoyed Montana it was his first time going through. He told me that if I ever have a chance that I need to go to Vancouver Canada-that’s his favorite part of Canada.
After getting to union station a lady asked me if I was going to Milwaukee-I said yes, and she sat down next to me and we began to chat. I asked where in Milwaukee she was from (bay view) and she asked me-I explained that I’m a student at Marquette and that I’m originally from Nebraska. “Oh! Marquette? Do you ever eat at Marquette Gyros?” Ha! It turns out she was the significant other of the owner of Marquette Gyros- (apparently he’s “making a killing”) ha! Very random, but I love it.
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I’m so excited to truly be me again. It’s been so long and today felt really good. A big reminder of who I am, how far I have already pushed myself, how far I’ve been able to come, and all the plans and dreams that I’ve had for myself and still have. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family (and close friends) backing me every step of the way-always encouraging me and never thinking or suggesting that anything is too big for me to tackle. I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given, and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
p.s. I adore tulips in the city